The Center for Sustainable Urban Development, CEDEUS, has the mandate to act as a hub for research and debate on sustainable urban development challenges, with international comparative experiences as a feedback. Within this broad interdisciplinary setting, transport constitutes one of the key themes, and this workshop will set the agenda for our collaborative effort of advancing knowledge around urban transport sustainability.
The growth of metropolitan areas, and strong socio-economic indicators over a long period of time, has increased the relevance of social, economic, and environmental sustainability as a key urban transport policy goal. The rapid changing urban environment of most cities worldwide sets a number of challenges for the understanding of the different dimensions of urban transport sustainable development. In fact, sustainability is a broad and difficult to define concept; environmental and economic development and inequalities require new and more precise understandings of old paradigms in terms of the provision of infrastructure and transport services.
The themes of the workshop include theories, data, and methods for understanding the challenges around urban transport sustainability in cities around the world and the following general areas are particularly relevant for this event (but are not limited to it):
Planning and operation of urban transport systems / Financial equilibrium and valuation of externalities /Transport, land use and social interaction /Transport and public health / Environment, energy and climate change / Non-motorized modes / Social equity / Built environment.
Juan Carlos Muñoz (Chair). Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Louis de Grange. Universidad Diego Portales, Chile
Juan Antonio Carrasco. Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Juan de Dios Ortúzar. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Ricardo Giesen. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Luis Ignacio Rizzi. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile